Hygger Blog for Project Managers and Winning Teams - Part 72

Blog for Project Managers and Winning Teams

Tips, best practices and new approaches to management and productivity.

Quick Tips on How to Run Effective All-Hands Meetings

Quick Tips on How to Run Effective All-Hands Meetings Any business meeting is an effective way for companies to share valuable information in person. Meetings can be comprised of small groups, involving specific departments or management.


What is a Bug in Software?

Software development is probably the most progressing sphere of modern business. Almost every modern family has a computer or other household appliances that are based on the use of certain software. TV-sets, wash machines, kitchen machines, this list can go on forever. Such a wide use of various programmed devices requires a fast development of the software industry. But what are the main problems of modern software development? Read More

3 Things to Consider When Spreading Agile Across The Whole Organization

As the software changes towards continuous delivery, we‘ll be able to create a new type of connection with the market – a continuous one. Companies develop products, review, interview, learn, and optimize in terms of hours, not months. We make rapid decisions. We change directions frequently. In the recent years, the agile development has increased its popularity. First, it appeared in the software engineering, but it disseminated to other fields as well. Read More

Extreme Programming Team

When we speak about various Agile methodologies, we see that there are only two things that make them different methods. The first thing is the type and length of iterative cycles. In some methodologies it is longer, in others – shorter. The second thing is the structure of the team. Each Agile methodology has its own approach to team management. In this article we will tell you about the Extreme Programming team. Read More

A Brief Introduction to PHP Bug Tracking

There are lots of bug tracking systems in modern software development industry. Some of them are popular, others are less known. However, all of them serve the same goal – to detect bugs in your software and fix them. Lots of modern bug trackers are open-source applications. It means that you should not pay for using them. They are very convenient for small and large software development teams because they allow to save time and money for other tasks. Read More

Leadership Lessons: 7 Principles of Effective Team Meetings

Holding productive team meetings is essential for every organization. If everybody is displeased with tough work gatherings and ineffective meetups, it’s time to: Read More

Issue Management Software

Issues are probably the biggest problem of modern software development. If you are an experienced developer, you know that issue management is the most important stage of every project. That is because of the fact that the amount of issues in the final product depends on it. Every software development company that wants to have a good reputation should develop software with fewer issues. That is why issue management is extremely important. But it is a complex process that requires lots of time. It can be a problem because modern software development teams often work in strict time frames. They need to perform lots of tasks within short amounts of time. That is why it is necessary to automate the process of issue management. Read More

How to Combine Agile and Scrum

Modern software development industry has lots of project management methodologies. The issue of their proper use is probably one of the most topical today. Some specialists prefer to combine various methodologies rather than using their original variations. That can be explained by the fact that they want to use the advantages of several project management methods to create high quality products. Some of such developers wonder: “How to combine Agile and Scrum?” The answer to this question is not as simple as it might seem. Mainly that is because of the fact that it is formulated improperly. In this article we will introduce you the full definitions of Agile and Scrum to answer the above mentioned question properly. Read More

What Is Issue Log?

Issue management is probably the most important thing in every modern software development project. Issues occur constantly. You can do nothing about that because every software developer occasionally makes mistakes. However, all issues should be fixed before the final product is delivered to the customer. That is why it is so important to learn the methods of issue management and its main elements. In this article we will tell you about the issue log. But before doing that it is necessary to find the proper definition for an issue in software development. Read More

Criteria for Simple Issue Tracker

If you are a software developer, you have definitely thought on a question: “What is a simple and effective issue tracking system?” In this article we will try and answer it properly. But before doing that it is necessary to say a few words about issues in software development. Read More

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