Alexander Sergeev - Part 6

Alexander Sergeev

Alexander Sergeev

About the Author

I'm Hygger CEO & Founder.
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How to Boost the Audience from 12 Million to 375 Million? Growth Hack From Badoo

If you create a dating site, you definitely should keep in mind some effective and awesome growth hacking tactics that are so popular today. Were these hacks relevant 10 years ago?

Here’s the story of the dating app Badoo, which rapid growth of popularity was something incredible. What were the viral tricks used to get such success? And why should we recollect Facebook here? Read More

A Viral Growth Hack: How to Exploded To 75 Million Users and Been Acquired for $60 Million (thanks to Facebook)

The role of social media in product promotion can be really invaluable. Do you know any famous growth hacks when companies using social networks accelerated their results and got success? Read More

Sprints 2.0: story points, multiple sprints on board, velocity reports and more!

Are you ready for this? New Sprint 2.0 has come out!

You may ask what is new in this upgraded version. We are glad to share!

  • Multiple Sprints on one board
  • Burndown report
  • Velocity report
  • Safe uncompleted tasks
  • Upgraded progress bar
  • Story Points

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The Power of Pirate Metrics on the Example of a Mobile Dating App

In this article, I’m going to share how to optimize a mobile application with the help of Pirate Metrics framework (i.e. AARRR) which was created by David McClure. I will use a dating app Tinder as an example. So let’s begin.  Read More

What’s the Difference Between Scrum and Kanban?

It’s always crucial to learn all details and choose the best solution if you have two equal options. Choosing between the methods of development management is also not an easy thing, especially if it is Scrum or Kanban.


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How to Maintain Product Backlog When It Rapidly grows?

In the time of high competitiveness, it’s important to focus on key priorities. Competitors constantly release new features. There are so many of them, you don’t even have time to learn all of them. Your users suggest improvements, give you advices and your colleagues are coming up with ideas all the time. There are a lot of updates happening constantly. Read More

Why Trello is not an Ideal Solution for Agile Software Development

Trello is a really handy and universal tool which is based on Kanban Boards. Unfortunately, Kanban boards in Trello are too simplified. They work perfectly well for managing common tasks but when it comes to agile software development they’re lack of many things. Read More

13 Benefits of Kanban for Software Development

What is Kanban?

Imagine a Toyota center. You liked that Toyota Camry and paid a deposit. There was no car in a color you wanted and therefore your order went to a Toyota factory in Houston. You were notified when your car would be delivered, and the car is being produced for you starting from this moment. So they work according to the “sell first then produce” rule, in other words it’s the “Just In Time” rule. First you come up with the time and goal, then a work plan for achieving the goal.  Read More

17 Must-Have Features for Agile Software Development and Best Trello Alternative

Trello is a very useful and convenient tool that told the world about Kanban. It is suitable for managing any project. However, Trello’s versatility is also its drawback – once you need something more specific, for example, a Burndown chart, WIP limits, or time tracking for software development or agile development, this is when troubles begin. You need to look for plugins or register in third-party software, for example, in Toggl and pay $9 (!) for the ability to track time and view the simplest time reports. Read More

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