About Pavel Kukhnavets Author at Hygger.io - Part 27

Pavel Kukhnavets

Pavel Kukhnavets

About the Author

Pavel is a Content Marketing Manager at Hygger.io & Welldoneby.com, a project management tool loved both by tech and non-tech people. Pavel writes about the world of Agile project management, covering such topics as popular methodologies, frameworks, techniques, innovative tools, and much more that affect the overall efficiency and productivity of product teams.

Find me at:
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pavel-ku-289775128/
Habr: https://habr.com/en/users/pavel_ku/posts/
Welldoneby.com: https://welldoneby.com/blog/author/pavel-kukhnavets/
Quora: https://www.quora.com/profile/Pavel-Dunklee
Dev: https://dev.to/pavelku

Product Manager vs Product Owner: Is it Necessary to Differentiate Two Roles in IT Teams?

The reality of modern life shows that many concepts and professional terms can be mixed and may lose their original meanings. The boundaries between different concepts are blurring quickly. Read More

How to Explain What is Agile Project Management in a Simple Way

Usually, the phrase “Agile project management” can be heard in office rooms of developers and a product manager’s space. Of course, other team members, clients and partners are aware of what the this includes. However, Agile project management concept hasn’t spread very far beyond the scope of IT industry and not everyone can give an explanation of the term. Read More

30 Interview Questions for Product Managers to Reveal Their Potentials

An interview is a dialogue. It is a stress. It can be a real testing. This even can be a dominance of one of the participants, but it is always a dialogue. It’s important to be prepared for this dialogue no matter what side of the table you occupy. Read More

What Are the Product Manager Career Path Options?

Names and titles can determine your destiny. In fact, the way you are titled in your company may influence many issues and strategic points. Just a title but it can predetermine your professional path and influence the life of the whole team and the product fate. Read More

What Team Collaboration Tools Make an Ordinary Staff Feel Like a Dream Team?

Could you estimate how many of your successfully implemented projects were carried out by yourself, and how many required team efforts? I suppose the answer is obvious: a good team leads to success. Read More

Product Management Books Review: From New Releases to the Classic Must-Read Ones

What is the power of a book? Can it replace the priceless experience?

In any case, a good book is a source of inspiration that can push any person to a unique solution and lead him/her to unprecedented success. Books are created to make us better. Read More

What Are the Key Responsibilities of Product Managers?

If a product is an airplane, then a product manager is the co-pilot of this plane. The first pilot is CEO. This analogy is rather relevant today because, in many software development companies, product management attracts much attention and get a dominant role in the company’s strategy. Read More

Must-have or Time Wasting? 10 Rules of Efficient Brainstorming in IT companies

“Talent wins games but teamwork wins championships”. This is a quote from Michael Jordan and actually, he is right. Any successful decision, whether it is a victory in a championship or the release of a new product, is achieved through the efforts of the whole team. Where does the path to success begin? Read More

What Are the Ways to Become a Great Growth Hacker? 25 Useful Resources and Tips

Is Growth hacking a medicine for business or just another cheesy phenomenon that tomorrow will die?

It’s rather difficult to agree with the latest statement because the “hacking” technologies of the growth strategy are expanding year by year. This phenomenon is not so young, by the way. Read More

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