Alexander Sergeev - Part 51

Alexander Sergeev

Alexander Sergeev

About the Author

I'm Hygger CEO & Founder.
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Who Is Who: Why Can’t Scrum Master and Project Manager Be the Same Person?

First, we should point out that the Scrum master is a role in the Scrum environments, (not a job position), so people that have other job positions can be a Scrum master: the project manager, the team leader, the senior team-member, etc.

As a Scrum master, you will have the managerial role during the project development. Scrum Master is responsible for ensuring that the project is carried out according to the rules, values and processes of Scrum, and it is progressing as planned. Read More

Lean vs Traditional Method

Agile software development methodologies have been extremely popular all over the world in recent years. Lean method is one of them. That is why many programmers want to know more about it. In this article we will compare Lean with the traditional software development methodology to understand the difference between them and to learn both methods better. Let’s start our article off with the description of Lean. Read More

A Brief Introduction to Open Source Kanban Board Applications

Every software developer knows that Kanban board is the main means of Kanban methodology. This device allows the team to follow its progress by visualizing its workflow. Before describing the open source Kanban board software it is necessary to remind what a Kanban board is. Read More

Agile Goal Management: Using OKR to Set Stretch Goals and Achieve Higher Team Performance

The traditional, annual planning process is called static planning. In this approach, there is a company consensus in which the strategic thinking will be done and the company goals for the year will be defined. Afterwards, in the following weeks, the goals circle through the company, creating a detail, fixed plan for the year for the entire corporation.  Read More

Kanban 101: How to Use Kanban Boards to Manage Your Project

Today Kanban is one of the most popular methodologies of software development. It is widely used by teams and companies all over the world. A Kanban board, or a Kanban task board, is one of the best practices of this methodology. But what do we know about it? Let’s find out. Read More

Lean Planning Tools

Each software development methodology has a certain amount of tools to manage its projects. Their functionality and interface are different, but their goal is always the same – to make the process of project management simpler. In this article we will tell you about Lean project planning tools, but before doing that, it is necessary to find the proper definition for project planning. Read More

What are Kanban Board Tools?

Kanban methodology is now extremely popular among software developers. Perhaps that is because of its ability to create high-quality products and deliver them in time. Many young developers all over the world are interested in the question: “What are Kanban board tools?” To answer it properly we have to find the definition for Kanban board. Read More

9 Early Career Myths That Could Be Holding You Back (and How to Fix Them)

Myth 1: The twenties are not so important

Not by their wish, 20-years old have been hampered by the recession and the hard economic conditions. But they should not take a break. The 20-ties are the time to make some steps; it’s a very important, transformation time. At the end – the effects of this time will be bigger than expected. Read More

Lean Methodology: 3 Stages of Project Management

Every modern software development methodology has lots of specific features and lots of aspects to describe. Some of them lie in the field of project management. In this article we will tell you about Lean project control. But before doing that it is necessary to give the general definition of Lean methodology and project management process in it. Read More

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