Alexander Sergeev - Part 48

Alexander Sergeev

Alexander Sergeev

About the Author

I'm Hygger CEO & Founder.
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Quality Assurance: 5 Common Bad Practices to Avoid

The project management is very important in the development and delivery phases. At the time the project comes to testing, the fact of creating something new has gone out and you should just go through the process to get to the end.  Read More

What is Lean Project Management Software?

If you are a software developer, you probably know that there are lots of project management methodologies today. Some of them have sequential structure. Others are iterative. But regardless of their specific features, all of them require special applications to make the process of project management simpler. In this article we will tell you about software for Lean project planning and management. But before doing that, it is necessary to answer the question: –“What is project management in Lean?” Read More

Stop Dabbling At Startups!

Stop dabbling at startups. Don’t dream about nice investors, next rounds, and how to sell yourself to anybody. Do think – day and night – how to make profit and do everything for that.
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When Is It Necessary to Use Lean Project Management?

If you are an experienced programmer, you know that there are lots of project management methodologies today. Probably you are even capable of working with some of them. But how do you choose methodologies for your projects? Currently the issue of methodology selection is one of the most topical in software development industry. In this article we will answer the question: “When is it necessary to use Lean project management?” To answer it properly we have to give the full Lean definition. Read More

Essential Principles Every Scrum Team Should Follow

Scrum principles are extremely important and every company should implement them before it starts working with Scrum. You can create your Scrum team and waste all your recourses to perform its projects, but it still will not work without the implementation of basic Scrum principles. It is the case when you cannot decide which Scrum principle is better for your company. You have to implement them all, and if you don’t do that, the Scrum method will simply not work at your company. Read More

Lean Bug Tracking Software

Bug tracking is probably the most important issue in modern software development industry. That can be explained by the fact that bugs are errors in the product’s code that impact its functionality negatively. If a software product contains too much bugs, it works improperly. That is why every software development team has a certain amount of bug tracking tools for their projects. In this article we will tell you about Lean bug tracking tools, their functionality, and process of work. But before doing that we have to find the proper definition for bug tracking. Read More

Lean Team Building

The structure of teams differs significantly from one methodology to another. That is why it is necessary to know how to build a proper team for a certain methodology. In this article we will tell you about Lean team building activities. But before doing that, it is necessary to give the definition of a Lean team and describe its main distinctive features. Read More

5 Laws of Software Estimates – Explored, Explained and Debunked

1. Estimates are fixed

Software estimates are not always exact and fixed, mainly because of the fact that team members are different personas. By estimating one team member, you can not predict how long it might take another team member to complete a task. Read More

A Brief Introduction To Software Defect Tracking System

To find out what the software defect tracking system is, it is necessary to understand the nature of software defect tracking. Generally, software defect tracking can be defined as a process of detecting defects, reporting on them, and fixing them. It is an important part of product testing. Read More

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