Alexander Sergeev - Part 40

Alexander Sergeev

Alexander Sergeev

About the Author

I'm Hygger CEO & Founder.
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Choosing a Simple Bug Tracking Software For Your Project

Every software development project needs a bug tracking tool. Some teams even use several of them to detect bugs and fix them more efficiently. But what are the main criteria for bug trackers? This article will help you answer this question. Read More

Open Source Issue Tracking Software

Modern software development industry has lots of issue tracking systems. Developers all over the world use them to manage their projects. That is because of the fact that every software development project requires issue management. The selection of issue tracking software is extremely wide. That is why it is necessary to describe some kinds of it in greater detail. Open source issue tracking software is one of them. In this article we will tell you about it. But before doing that it is necessary to say a few words about the process of issue tracking to understand the tasks of issue management applications. Read More

Project Control Roles

The issue of roles in the process of project management is very topical. Partially that is due to the fact that different software development methodologies have different team roles. For example, Waterfall teams are large and include the full list of specialists required to create a software product. They have testers, analysts, programmers and project managers. Agile teams, on the other hand, are self-managing. Their members are interchangeable. It means that each one of them is capable of performing several functions. Read More

What is a Project Control Cycle?

Some software developers wonder: “What is a project control cycle?” It is quite hard to answer this question without giving the definition of project management and project control processes in software development. In this article we will describe the software project control cycle. But before doing that it is reasonable to give the definitions for above mentioned notions. Read More

Integrated Project Management and Control System

Modern software development projects are becoming more and more complex year after year. Currently it is quite hard to manage them. That is why the developers have to come up with new project management systems constantly. Integrated project management and control system is one of them. It is now extremely popular among programmers all over the world. That is why it is necessary to discuss it. However, before doing that, we should give the proper definitions for project management and control in software engineering. It is quite hard to understand the principles of integrated project management and control system without doing that. Read More

Project Management Changes

Project management is probably the most important aspect of every software development project. It is subdivided into various activities aimed at realizing the project’s plan and delivering the final software product in time. However, like any other aspect of the software development process, project management may change. It may also respond to the changing conditions and environment. That is why change management is worth talking about. In this article we will describe the main change management activities and goals. But before doing that it is necessary to say a few words about project management, because it is hard to describe change management without understanding it. Read More

4 Reasons Why Your Project Board is Not Efficient (and How You Can Change It)

A Project Board consists of people who are interested in the project: members from each of the key stakeholder organizations who meet on a regular basis to provide direction, approval to proceed and to decide on the strategy for the project. It is important that Project Boards are proactive in helping the project manager by considering recommendations and making decisions. In other cases, the work could be held up while the project team waits for a clear direction on the way forward. Read More

Main Types of Open Source Bug Tracking Tools

There are several main types of bug tracking tools in modern software development industry. The bug trackers are classified according to different criteria. One of them is their price. Read More

Lean Analysis Tools

Some developers think that project management tools for Lean methodology are subdivided into several categories according to the processes they have to manage. That is why many programmers wonder: “What are Lean analysis tools?” The answer to this question is both simple and complex at the same time. Before giving it, we have to find the proper definition for analysis in Lean methodology. Read More

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