Hygger Blog for Project Managers and Winning Teams - Part 62

Blog for Project Managers and Winning Teams

Tips, best practices and new approaches to management and productivity.

Quick Tips on How to Run Effective All-Hands Meetings

Quick Tips on How to Run Effective All-Hands Meetings Any business meeting is an effective way for companies to share valuable information in person. Meetings can be comprised of small groups, involving specific departments or management.


Integrated Project Control System

The range of complexity of most modern software development projects is very wide. It means that the developers have to come up with new ways of managing them constantly. Integrated project control system is one of them. Actually the proper name for it is integrated project management and control system. That is because of the fact that project control is a part of project management. To understand what an integrated project control system is, it is necessary to find the proper definitions for project management and control in software development. Read More

Agility vs Agile: The Most Common Mistake in Agile Adoption

In the recent years, the agile development has increased its popularity. First, it appeared in the software engineering, but it disseminated to other fields as well. This methodology is important for managing of different project types, so we are exposing some must-know agile practices. Read More

Extreme Programming Software Development

Extreme Programming Software development methodology is popular today. But what are its main principles? In this article we will look at XP in greater detail to understand its goals, methods, and the entire process of software development. Read More

Agile Scrum Management Tools

Today many teams manage their software development projects in Agile style. This method of software development became popular because of its flexibility that guarantees timely delivery of final products. Scrum is the most widely used Agile methodology. It combines all best flexible principles, including strong communication between the team members and customer involvement. In this article we will tell you about Agile Scrum management tools, describe their functionality, and give some examples of such applications. Read More

Main Principles of Extreme Programming

Many software developers wonder: “What are Extreme programming principles?” You may be surprised with this question, but today there is no unified definition of these principles. Some people write about 14 principles of Extreme Programming. The others define 12 XP principles. If you want to learn the basic principles of Extreme Programming and find out the truth, this article is for you. Read More

Agile Scrum Development Methodology

Most modern software developers have heard of Scrum at least once in their lives. However, there are still lots of people in software development industry who don’t know the basic principles of this methodology. So what is the Agile Scrum development methodology? Let’s find out. Read More

Waterfall and Kanban Methodologies

If you are a software developer, you have probably heard of Waterfall and Kanban methodologies. There are lots of articles on the Internet that describe each of these software development methods. However, these descriptions are not always complete. Additionally, only few materials on the Internet explain the difference between Waterfall and Kanban. Hence, it is necessary to discuss it. Read More

A Practical Guide to Sponsor Engagement and Communication

The participation of an effective project sponsor is one the crucial factors for the overall project success. In many cases, project leaders have to deal with less-than-effective sponsors, so the question is, how can you engage sponsors and you make them contribute to the project success? Read More

The Art of Product Backlog Prioritization: 3 Easy Tips to Follow Now

The agile methodology has rules and procedures to be followed, and the product backlog is a tool that contains all software items that should be developed. The product owner, the scrum master and the entire team, including the stakeholders, will get together for a sprint meeting to decide what will be put in the backlog. This decision is definitely not an easy one because the project success depends on it, as well as money spending. Read More

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