Alexander Sergeev - Part 47

Alexander Sergeev

Alexander Sergeev

About the Author

I'm Hygger CEO & Founder.
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100 Top Agile Blogs

Nowadays there is a great number of Agile related blogs to read, but not all of them are really worth reading. That is why we decided to collect the most useful Agile blogs for you. We hope this list helps you to make your project successful and will be beneficial for your business development! Read More

Lean Software Development Life Cycle

Each software development methodology has its own specific features. Their life cycles are one of them. Today many developers want to know more about Lean software development life cycle. In this article we will tell you about it. But before doing that, it is necessary to find the proper definition for Lean methodology in software development. Read More

Project Management: 4 Characteristics of Transformation

Big companies face large transformation projects very rarely, but sometimes it can happen. In such projects, base systems and functions of the corporation will be changed significantly and across various locations.

The cost of large transformations (of this scale) can be hundreds of millions of dollars and can introduce a lot of risks, asking for full attention of the top management. Successful completion of the transformation is a self-satisfying and productive experience with high visibility attached. However it comes with a set of large programs that can get to closure in the initial phases after analysis, or drained budgets that can result in program cancellations. Read More

Kanban 101: The Definition of Kanban System

Software development industry has been evolving rapidly in recent years. Technological progress is the main reason for that. New software development companies originate year after year. They occupy their places in the software market and the users begin to appreciate their production. But what methods do they use? There is no simple answer. Modern software development industry has lots of methodologies. Some of them are quite new. Others have been used for years. But all of them have the same goal – to create high quality software. Read More

Implementing Scrum? – 10 Bad Practices To Avoid

Today, many companies are adopting the agile approach. The need for the agile methodology has grown in the IT industry, and in a few other industries as well. In the past years, there have appeared many proponents of the agile methodology. We will describe the process with these steps: Read More

A Brief Introduction To Extreme Programming

Extreme Programming (XP) is a popular Agile method of software development. In comparison to other Agile methodologies, it has some distinctive features. One of them is higher productivity. The XP method was designed to deliver the final product to the customer as fast as possible. It combines the best features of the Agile methodology. Read More

Self-managed Teams – Dream or Reality?

Many of the organizations (companies) which are adopting Agile approaches to software development – are adopting Scrum, but a few are adopting Kanban.

It is understandable to say that they are disappointed in some way. And their satisfaction is coming from all levels – from the client, the leadership and the teams.  Read More

Lean Software Development: Project Planning, Monitoring and Control

The process of project management in software development is always similar regardless of the methodology you use. Nevertheless, it still has some specific features in some methods. In this article we will describe the process of Lean project monitoring and control. Before doing that we have to give the definition of Lean software development methodology and explain the nature of project control. Read More

Scrum vs Waterfall: What’s the Difference?

The selection of the appropriate methodology to run your project is the first thing you face as you establish your own software developing company. Generally, there are two main ways to run a project. Read More

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