Alexander Sergeev - Part 46

Alexander Sergeev

Alexander Sergeev

About the Author

I'm Hygger CEO & Founder.
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The Principles of Project Control

Many programmers wonder about project control principles in software development. The first thing we should mention is that it is not a simple issue. When most people discuss project control principles, theories, and concepts, they mean the general definitions of these notions that are typical for management or marketing sphere. However, software development industry has its own definition for project control. In this article we will give it and cover other project management activities in software engineering before discussing the principles of project control. Read More

Basic Project Control Tools

Inexperienced software developers often wonder: “What are project control tools?” However, it is hard to answer this question because it is not formulated properly. In this article we will try to answer it and to give you some necessary facts about project management and control tools. Before doing that, it is essential to provide the definitions of project management and control. Read More

The Importance of Project Control

Many software developers all over the world write articles on the importance of project management. Unfortunately, most of them give only the general definition of this notion without describing its main tasks and stages in greater detail. In this article we will tell you about project management in software development and about one of its important activities that is called project control. Their significance for software development process is really great. Read More

Lean Project Management Methodology

Modern software development industry has lots of project management methodologies. Some of them are popular among the programmers. Others are little known. However, they all serve the same goal – to create high quality software and deliver it to the customer just in time. Software development teams usually choose project management methodologies according to the needs of their projects. In this article we will tell you about an effective project management methodology that is called Lean. Read More

Project Monitoring and Control

Software developers all over the world run thousands of projects every day. All of them need to be managed correctly. That is why project management is a popular topic among the programmers. It has lots of various aspects, so it is hard to cover all of them in one article. And yet, we still can discuss the most important of them. It is usually defined as project monitoring and control. In this article we will tell you about the goals and structure of this process. We will also indicate some examples of various project monitoring and control methods. Read More

Lean User Stories

If you are a software developer, you have definitely heard of user stories. They are commonly used in Agile methodologies. Lean is no exception. In this article we will tell you about Lean methodology user stories. But before doing that, it is necessary to describe the methodology itself and find the proper definition for user stories. Read More

Learn to Shine with Lean Principles

Every modern software development methodology has its own rules and principles. They may differ significantly from one method to another. However, regardless of the methodology you use, you always have the same goal – to create supreme software products. That is why the experience of developers is extremely important in every methodology. In this article we will tell you about the experience of Lean methodology. You will learn the best Lean practices, and the most important lean principles. But before starting our talk about them, it is necessary to give the general definition of Lean and say a few words about its functionality. Read More

The History of Lean Methodology

There are lots of software development methodologies in the modern world. If you are a programmer, you probably do not wonder about their history. Partially that is because of the fact that you are used to them. Partially – because of your practical approach to these methods. However, the history of software development methodology is a very interesting issue. It is also very important, if you want to understand the principles of your favorite project management methodology better. That can be explained by the fact that all features of certain software development methodologies are determined by their history. The same applies to their main practices. The history is also the only source of software development methodologies experience. Read More

Bug Tracking System Documentation

Every software development project requires a bug tracking system. And every bug tracking system creates its own documentation. In this article we will try to find out what is bug tracking system documentation and how to use it properly.

As soon as we perform some software development project, we see that at the stage of testing a significant amount of bug tracking system project documentation appears. It may come as a surprise to those software development teams that are used to work without special documentation. First of all it applies to Agile teams. Perhaps that is the reason why some of them refuse using bug trackers. However, bug tracking tools are the best means to detect bugs and avoid them in the future. That is why every software development team must know the main rules of bug tracking system documentation formulation. Read More

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