Alexander Sergeev - Part 45

Alexander Sergeev

Alexander Sergeev

About the Author

I'm Hygger CEO & Founder.
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Software Testing in Lean Methodology

Each software development methodology has its own approach to project operations including testing. The way of testing may differ significantly from one methodology to another. In this article we will tell you about software testing in Lean methodology. But before doing that, it is necessary to give the full definition of Lean and describe its main features. Read More

Defect Management Tools 101: How To Choose and Use

What do you know about defect management tools? What is the best defect management tool? What is the role of defect management tools in software testing? This article was written to help you find the answers to these questions. Read More

Why Is It Necessary to Choose Lean Methodology?

There are lots of methodologies in modern software development industry. Some of them are well known. Others are not so popular. However, all of them are aimed at creating high quality software products. In this article we will answer the question: “Why is it necessary to choose Lean methodology to manage your project?” This is not a simple question, so we have to give the full definition of Lean and describe its features before answering it. Read More

7 Tried-and-Trusted Ways to Measure Your Project Profitability

Every business should estimate whether its project is profitable or not. Profit determination is not an easy task. Many business owners are stunned to discover that all their hard work is resulting in projects that are unprofitable. You can also face this situation, and you may not be able to foresee potential risks in the projects you are completing so that you can make changes. Read More

Product Backlog in Scrum

Let’s talk about product backlog is Scrum.

The first thing we should mention is that Scrum projects don’t have strict plan of work like Waterfall projects. The tasks of the Scrum project are defined by the customer. They can change during the process of project realization. Read More

Is Project Management Right For You? Consider These 5 Things First

Almost all new graduates think about the project management as someone’s ideal, dream job. This article will give you an advice that could change your thinking about project management.
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Lean Methodology: When To Use

The choice of a methodology for a certain project is probably the most topical issue of modern software development. Some programmers prefer to work in one methodology. Others change them depending on the projects they are working on. Read More

The Essential Guide to Bug Tracking Life Cycle

Bug tracking life cycle is a term that is often used to describe all states that a bug should pass before it is removed from the final product. Usually, the state of the bug is at first mentioned in the defect report when the bug is detected. The process of bug tracking is conducted at the stage of testing. It means that the bug passes all its states during this stage until it is fixed. Read More

Kanban For Product Development – Success Or Failure?

Project teams which use Kanban style boards to speed up innovation and improve their development process very often realize that they have made an error.

Product teams start using Kanban with a clear goal – they need to get software delivered and keep product and engineering moving ahead. Teams need a lot of tools to help them visualize work assignments among the team members, and keep teams aligned on building what matters. This is important in every project today. Read More

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