Alexander Sergeev - Part 38

Alexander Sergeev

Alexander Sergeev

About the Author

I'm Hygger CEO & Founder.
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Issue Management Definition

Wherever we read about software project management, we see references to issue management. That is because of the fact that it is extremely important to create a high quality software product. Regardless of the methodology you use, your product has lots of issues. Usually they occur when the initial code is written. Software development is an extremely complex process. That is why programmers often make mistakes. These mistakes become errors in the initial code. At the stage of product testing they are usually called issues. A high quality software product should not contain issues. Of course, it is hard to create such products, because nothing is perfect. But you have to work on achieving this goal.  Read More

Team Roles in Agile Methodology

Every project management methodology has a particular structure of teams. Usually, it depends on the software development practices that are typical for a certain method. The structure of the team defines the roles and responsibilities of its members. In this article, we will tell you about the roles that are typical for Agile methodology. But before doing that it is necessary to give the full definition of this method and describe its main features. Read More

Best Waterfall Development Tools

Many programmers wonder: “What are the best tools for Waterfall development?” Modern software development industry doesn’t have a universal answer to this question. Partially that is because of the fact that there are lots of Waterfall project management applications in the software market. In this article we will describe the necessary features of good project management applications and give an example of best Waterfall development tools. But before doing that it is necessary to find the proper definition for Waterfall project management tools. Read More

How to Combine Agile and XP

The issue of combining various software development methodologies is now widely discussed among the programmers. For a software developer it is quite natural to search for the best solutions for his projects. However, some inexperienced programmers formulate their wishes improperly and try to combine things that are quite similar and represent the same approach to software engineering. For example, we can often hear the question: “How to combine Agile and XP?” Let’s try to answer it properly and provide some necessary information about these two methods. Read More

How to Combine XP and Lean: Methodologies Overview

There are lots of project management methodologies in the modern software development industry. Some of them are well known and used all over the world. Others are less popular. However, regardless of the type of methodology you use, you always have the same goal – to create a high-quality software product and deliver it in time. That is why many developers try to combine the best features of various software development methodologies. Read More

How to Combine Kanban and Lean: Methodologies Overview

The issue of combining various software development methodologies has been extremely topical in recent years. Today many developers wonder how to combine various traditional and Agile methodologies.  But before doing that we have to give the proper definitions of both methodologies and describe their main features. Read More

3 Big Problems with Big Dreams And Why You Should Stop Chasing Them

Do you ever feel pressured to dream big? As though if you’re not trying to save the world or learn ten languages, then you must not be ambitious enough?

Big dreams bring big concerns, and so many people get frustrated when their big dreams don’t come true and they feel stuck. That’s why in our everyday work it’s better not to rely on big dreams and ideals. Instead, set up clear goals, the ones that could be fulfilled with a realistic budget and timelines.  Read More

Project Issue Tracking

Every software development project has lots of issues that should be solved in the process of its performance. In this article, we will tell you about project issue tracking and project issue tracking systems. But before doing that it is necessary to find the proper definition for an issue in software development. Read More

Open Source Waterfall

Some rookie software developers often ask: “What is open source Waterfall?” It is quite hard to answer this question because it is not formulated properly. It is necessary to explain what Waterfall is, before answering the above-mentioned question. Read More

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