All Articles About Agile at - Part 16


Kanban 101: The Definition of Kanban System

Software development industry has been evolving rapidly in recent years. Technological progress is the main reason for that. New software development companies originate year after year. They occupy their places in the software market and the users begin to appreciate their production. But what methods do they use? There is no simple answer. Modern software development industry has lots of methodologies. Some of them are quite new. Others have been used for years. But all of them have the same goal – to create high quality software. Read More

A Brief Introduction To Extreme Programming

Extreme Programming (XP) is a popular Agile method of software development. In comparison to other Agile methodologies, it has some distinctive features. One of them is higher productivity. The XP method was designed to deliver the final product to the customer as fast as possible. It combines the best features of the Agile methodology. Read More

Self-managed Teams – Dream or Reality?

Many of the organizations (companies) which are adopting Agile approaches to software development – are adopting Scrum, but a few are adopting Kanban.

It is understandable to say that they are disappointed in some way. And their satisfaction is coming from all levels – from the client, the leadership and the teams.  Read More

Know the Difference: Why Agile Does Not Equal Scrum

Some people often ask questions like: “What is the difference between Agile and Scrum methodologies?” To answer them it is necessary to understand that this question is formulated in the wrong way. That is because of the lack of knowledge about Agile and Scrum methodologies. Read More

Scrum 101: Introduction to Roles in Scrum Teams

The popularity of Agile methods of software development is growing all over the world. Currently, many companies involved in the software industry are implementing Agile methods in their work. The Scrum method is one of the most popular of them. Most of the software companies’ managers all over the world think that it is quite simple to implement it. It is really not hard to understand the theory of Scrum methodology. Its descriptions look just perfect for a manager of a software developing company. However, your enterprise may face unexpected challenges while implementing the Scrum method. Read More

Refactoring in Extreme Programming

Most of modern software developers are used to keeping their code intact after they write it. They do not want to change anything until it works. The old code may have some bugs or other flaws, but they will still use it because they don’t want to work on its improvement. In Extreme Programming things go differently. It is an Agile method and so flexibility is its main feature. Read More

How To Make a Lean Team Successful

Some inexperienced software developers often wonder: “What are Lean development team tools?” It is quite hard to answer this question, because it is formulated improperly. In this article we will tell you about Lean teams and the means that make their work more effective. First of all, we should give the definition of a Lean team and describe its main features. Read More

XP Model Pair Programming: Pros and Cons to Consider

Extreme Programming is an Agile methodology that has, perhaps, the largest amount of means for its realization. Like any other Agile-styled method of software development, it requires strong communication and cooperation inside the team and between the team and the customer. XP has lots of tools and techniques to make this communication more efficient. The main goal of Extreme Programming is to provide the customer the final product within the shortest time. It is also focused on the quality of a product. XP developers perform the most difficult and unusual projects. Read More

A Brief Introduction to Open Source Kanban Board Applications

Every software developer knows that Kanban board is the main means of Kanban methodology. This device allows the team to follow its progress by visualizing its workflow. Before describing the open source Kanban board software it is necessary to remind what a Kanban board is. Read More

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