How to Choose the Best Problem-Solving Activity for the Team?
Problem-solving is an act of defining problems and their causes, prioritizing and selecting alternatives for a better solution, and finally, implementing this solution. Read More
Problem-solving is an act of defining problems and their causes, prioritizing and selecting alternatives for a better solution, and finally, implementing this solution. Read More
Get up from your desk and get out of the office! It’s Spring outside the window, so don’t think up excuses about urgent tasks and routine issues. It’s a high time to arrange some corporate team building activities! Be sure – they’ll benefit your business and positively affect the most complex challenges. Read More
Could you estimate how many of your successfully implemented projects were carried out by yourself, and how many required team efforts? I suppose the answer is obvious: a good team leads to success. Read More
It’s never an easy task to find and retain good employees, and it’s even harder to attract and hold on to the best employees. Sometimes they quit because they don’t see opportunities for promotion or growth, or because they are offered a better gig and higher pay. But often the cause lies with the company they’re leaving. Read More