About Pavel Kukhnavets Author at Hygger.io - Part 28

Pavel Kukhnavets

Pavel Kukhnavets

About the Author

Pavel is a Content Marketing Manager at Hygger.io & Welldoneby.com, a project management tool loved both by tech and non-tech people. Pavel writes about the world of Agile project management, covering such topics as popular methodologies, frameworks, techniques, innovative tools, and much more that affect the overall efficiency and productivity of product teams.

Find me at:
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pavel-ku-289775128/
Habr: https://habr.com/en/users/pavel_ku/posts/
Welldoneby.com: https://welldoneby.com/blog/author/pavel-kukhnavets/
Quora: https://www.quora.com/profile/Pavel-Dunklee
Dev: https://dev.to/pavelku

Key Advantages of Marketing Roadmaps for Achieving Companies’ Success

In marketing, any global strategy and a separate initiative should be detailed and well planned. It’s better to visualize any idea at the start – this is also a well-known fact.

Fortunately, today marketers have the ability to visually represent their tasks and track them. Multi-level marketing roadmaps are helpful here. Read More

What is Critical Path Method For in Project Management?

All project managers have their best practices and management methods, own secrets and tricks. They try to improve their processes for effective results using intuition, skills and experience, powerful tools and famous techniques. Read More

Smart Roadmap: Nothing About Formality, All for Product Benefits

A product roadmap is a powerful armory in product manager’s hands. As any strategist is able to manage his armory and knows how and when to apply it, so product managers should also be able to tactically apply their advanced product roadmap and use special tools for these goals. Read More

How to Choose the Best Approach Among Different Project Management Methodologies?

The large family of management methodologies consists of many different members like any other large family. Some of them are distinguished by traditional views and approaches, some have very narrow interests and cannot get along with everyone, and some are considered very flexible and open to changes. Read More

How to Choose the Best Prioritization Technique?

Managers who are able to determine priorities are successful strategists.

There are dozens of smart technologies and methods to improve these skills. However, any methodology is effective in its context and can have absolutely no sense in applying to a particular product. Read More

15 Best Practices of Agile Development You Need to Follow

Nowadays more and more software development companies adopt Agile. Though Agile methodologies may seem easy to learn but in reality, they are hard to master. Your team can get some details wrong and it may lead to poor communication and even software defects. Read More

Strong and Weak points of Agile

Unless you have been lost in the Andes for the past 14 years or so, you must have heard about Agile methodology in software development. Agile methods are diverse, but they all rely upon the basic principles put forward by the prominent software developers in 2001. Read More

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