What are the Key Responsibilities of a Scrum Master?
It’s impossible to imagine any successful Scrum teamwork without a leader, Scrum Master. This person resolves impediments and control all the Scrum processes. Read More
Pavel is a Content Marketing Manager at Hygger.io & Welldoneby.com, a project management tool loved both by tech and non-tech people. Pavel writes about the world of Agile project management, covering such topics as popular methodologies, frameworks, techniques, innovative tools, and much more that affect the overall efficiency and productivity of product teams.
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Welldoneby.com: https://welldoneby.com/blog/author/pavel-kukhnavets/
Quora: https://www.quora.com/profile/Pavel-Dunklee
Dev: https://dev.to/pavelku
It’s impossible to imagine any successful Scrum teamwork without a leader, Scrum Master. This person resolves impediments and control all the Scrum processes. Read More
What makes a good manager? It definitely depends on so many factors and is different for every situation. The qualities that make a good manager vary greatly depending on the industry, the company and its strategy, specific manager’s goals and objectives, and even the team. Read More
Problem-solving is an act of defining problems and their causes, prioritizing and selecting alternatives for a better solution, and finally, implementing this solution. Read More
Project scope is the part of project planning. The scope involves determining and documenting specific project goals, tasks, deliverables, costs and set deadlines. Read More
Scrum is a widely adopted method for achieving software agility. However, it is not the sole method of implementing Agile principles, as a large Agile family consists of different methodologies. Read More
Agile methodology is one of the most described and discussed concepts in articles, posts and scientific editions in software development world. Why should we talk about this again? Read More
Product differentiation is a set of characteristics that define your product, make it different and unique to your customers.
The concept is also closely related to the unique selling proposition – USP. Read More
A clear expression of requirements is an essential part of final product success. The requirements may be expressed as physical deliverables, business benefits, functional or technical needs. Sometimes a weak Requirements Management process can be a cause of a product failure. Read More