Alexander Sergeev - Part 53

Alexander Sergeev

Alexander Sergeev

About the Author

I'm Hygger CEO & Founder.
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Scrum vs Traditional Method

The issue of difference between traditional and Agile software development methods is very topical today. Programmers all over the world discuss it to find the best methodology out there. In this article we will compare traditional software development method with the most popular Agile methodology to find the difference between these two approaches to software engineering. Read More

The Essential Guide to Software Testing in the Scrum Sprint

Testing is a very important stage of every software developing project. Agile Scrum testing differs significantly from the traditional testing methodologies. Most of the companies that use Waterfall approach to software development conduct testing only at the final stages of the working process, when the product is almost ready. Their testers are employees on special positions who do not contact the customers and the final users. Read More

Lean Project Tracking Systems

Every software development team needs to have a certain amount of applications to manage its projects. That is because of the fact that the degree of complexity of modern software development projects is very high. Lean developers also use project management tools. Some programmers wonder: “What are lean project tracking systems?” To answer this question properly, we have to know the definition of Lean project tracking. Read More

Project Management Methodologies

There are lots of project management methods in modern software development industry. The developers can choose methodologies according to the needs of their projects. However, most software development teams prefer to work in one project management methodology. Partially that is because of the fact that they don’t want to change their structure before every project. Read More

Think Different: 3 Best Practices to Avoid Scrum Breakdown

Many scrum masters in their everyday work have faced situations where scrum has produced not so ideal results (some type of Scrum failure), not because the agile methodology is wrong, but because the company hasn’t understood, or disrespected, how scrum should work. Read More

Can’t Keep Up? 9 Savvy Ways to Ensure Your Project Management Success

The main issue in achieving success is how to ensure your IT projects are completed on time and on budget. Project management seems so candid – define a deadline, define a budget, choose the right people, and voila – the project will get done.

In practice, project management is not so genuine. The wrong people are often included in the team; team members don’t know what is expected of them or did not understand the demands. The project scope changes and deadlines aren’t met – different problems will appear.
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Team Motivation in Scrum

Each software development methodology requires its own methods of team motivation. In most cases they are defined by the structure of teams that is typical for a certain project management methodology. However, some of the team motivation techniques are common for the entire software development industry. In this article we will describe the process and types of team motivation in Scrum. However, it is impossible to do that without understanding the definition of the methodology and the structure of its teams. That is why we have to begin with their descriptions. Read More

4 Steps to Planning Game in Extreme Programming

Extreme Programming is a popular Agile method of software development. It is aimed at providing the customer the final product within the shortest amount of time. XP has lots of tools to achieve this goal. Read More

Team Motivation in Kanban

Like any other popular software development methodologies, Kanban has a particular approach to software engineering and a particular type of teams. The motivational practices used in this methodology strongly depend on them. In this article we will describe these practices. But before doing that it is necessary to give the proper definition of Kanban and describe the typical structure of its teams. Read More

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