Alexander Sergeev - Part 31

Alexander Sergeev

Alexander Sergeev

About the Author

I'm Hygger CEO & Founder.
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Kanban Applications as Project Development Tool

Kanban approach to software development is now extremely popular. Software development companies and teams all over the world use it. It means that modern software development industry requires some special software to manage Kanban projects. In this article we will tell you about Kanban applications, their main features and criteria for their selection. But before doing that it is necessary to take a look at the main principles of Kanban methodology. Read More

Agile Manifesto for Software Development: 12 Key Principles of Agile

Agile methodology is a set of tools and principles which shape up a certain approach to software development. It relies upon flexibility, iterative development, interaction between stakeholders, and adaptability to the changing environment and customer’s needs. Agile methodology was put forward in 2001 in Agile Manifesto when a group of the leading software developers gathered up to build up a common understanding of new approaches suitable for the modern times. Read More

5 Steps of Kanban Implementation

Kanban is one of the popular Agile methodologies of software development. It originated in Japan in 1940-s. The method is applicable for almost any sphere, including software development. In this article we will tell you how to implement Kanban. But before doing that, let’s describe the main features of this popular project management system.

We have already mentioned that Kanban originated in Japan. Initially it was created for project management. The Japanese corporation Toyota has implemented Kanban to improve its workflow. The corporation wanted to deliver production to its customers within the shortest amounts of time. At the same time, the quality of production should be perfect. That means that Kanban project management tools are aimed not only at fast delivery of products, but also at improving their quality. Read More

Why Should I Choose Agile Methodology?

Software project management is a discipline where you may need to coordinate many various projects of different scope and deal with different customers who need different results. Naturally, you will not be able to use the same management methods for delivering a basic application developed by a team of four and a complex software solution which needs professionals from various departments. Read More

Extreme Programming 101: XP Project Stages

Extreme Programming methodology is one of the Agile software development methods. Currently, it is very popular among large and small companies all over the world. This article will tell you about the main features of XP methodology. Read More

Management tool: Open Source Scrum

Today we can often hear the phrase: “Open source Scrum”. Inexperienced developers may think that it is about a particular kind of Scrum methodology. However, this opinion is inaccurate. Open source Scrum is nothing but a type of Scrum project management tools. Read More

Integrated Project Control System

The range of complexity of most modern software development projects is very wide. It means that the developers have to come up with new ways of managing them constantly. Integrated project control system is one of them. Actually the proper name for it is integrated project management and control system. That is because of the fact that project control is a part of project management. To understand what an integrated project control system is, it is necessary to find the proper definitions for project management and control in software development. Read More

Agility vs Agile: The Most Common Mistake in Agile Adoption

In the recent years, the agile development has increased its popularity. First, it appeared in the software engineering, but it disseminated to other fields as well. This methodology is important for managing of different project types, so we are exposing some must-know agile practices. Read More

Extreme Programming Software Development

Extreme Programming Software development methodology is popular today. But what are its main principles? In this article we will look at XP in greater detail to understand its goals, methods, and the entire process of software development. Read More

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