Alexander Sergeev - Part 54

Alexander Sergeev

Alexander Sergeev

About the Author

I'm Hygger CEO & Founder.
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Who is the Boss? or Why Cutting the Product Manager in Half Can Be a Total Disaster

The best product managers deal in complex environments where they are responsible for the successful product development. Their contribution is recognized externally because they are product experts, and they are trusted internally because they collaborate with the clients and are “thought” leaders in the project. Read More

Team Motivation in Extreme Programming

There is probably no software developer in the world that hasn’t heard of Extreme Programming. This methodology is considered very effective. Some specialists even call it the most effective software development methodology. Like other project management methods, it has its own means of team motivation. In this article we will discuss them. But before doing that we have to describe the methodology itself and the typical structure of its teams. It is hard to understand the principles of team motivation without doing that. Read More

Team Motivation in Lean

If you are a software developer, or a manager of a software development company, you probably know that motivation of your employees is a significant part of your work. The types of this motivation often depend on the methodology you use and the structure of your team. In this article we will tell you about team motivation in Lean. But before doing that, we have to give the proper definition of Lean methodology and describe the structure of its teams. Read More

7 Easy Steps to Define Perfect Budget for Agile Projects

Many people assume that budget estimation for agile projects is impossible because of the nature of agile projects, which is wrong.

In some cases you really don’t know the full scope of a project on its inception. This fact is the same for all waterfall projects, as well as for the agile projects, so it’s an incorrect assumption to claim that this is the main reason why agile projects can not be properly budgeted upfront. Read More

9 Key Principles to Run a Successful Lean Product Team

1. The Product Team

Agile development methodology requires the development team to interact with a single “product owner”. This “role” is designated to decide what gets built, how it will behave, and whether it will be delivered to the specification. Also, the product owner represents the clients and external stakeholders, so that the developers can focus on building software. Read More

The Essential Guide to Effective Risk Management in Scrum

Like every other method of software development, Scrum has its risks. Sometimes they are similar to the risks of other methodologies. In other cases, these are special risks typical only for Agile methods. In any case, the best thing to do about risks is to avoid them. If the risk has already occurred, its influence on the process of product development must be minimized. Read More

Kanban vs Traditional Method

Most developers agree that it is quite hard to compare various software development methodologies because they were designed for different types of projects. However, there are still programmers out there who want to know what methodology is better. Additionally, it is sometimes necessary to compare software development methods to define the difference between them and understand them better. In this article we will compare Kanban with the traditional method of software development. Read More

Team Motivation in Agile

Agile software development methodologies have been extremely popular in recent years. Probably that is because of the fact that they were designed especially for modern software development projects. Like other software development methodologies, they have their own practices to motivate their teams and improve the effectiveness of their work. These practices strongly depend on the features of a certain methodology and the structure of its teams. That is why we have to give the full Agile definition and say a few words about its teams before describing the team motivation practices used in this methodology. Read More

7 Things to Keep in Mind When Implementing Kanban

There are situations in which Scrum is not the best choice and the most common case are the small projects when the number of team members is less than 4, or when it is impossible to plan even one iteration in advance. It is often the case when teams are dealing with solving bugs, system maintenance or escalation by end users. Read More

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