All Articles About Productivity at - Part 7


How to Master Your Time with the Pomodoro Technique?

Why is it important to care about time management? There is a truth called Parkinson’s Law: work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion. Read More

4+ Effective Recommendations on How to Be Productive in Project Management

What do you usually mean by the word ‘productivity’? Perhaps, it is a kind of criterion that allows specialists to evaluate the significance of the work done. Actually, it is just the tip of it, and today we study this question properly.

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Make Agile Teams Work Properly: How to Measure a Velocity

Several years of active use and growing popularity of Agile have shown that it is possible not only to increase the productivity of the development team’s work but also to measure it with the help of an index called velocity.

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Why is Professional Communication Critical for Any Business?

Effective professional communication is critical nowadays. Most problems and incisive situations in companies arise because of poor communication. Successful communication is an art that ensures a smooth flow of ideas, facts, and right decisions. Read More

Work Timer Systems: Why Is it Worth Practicing Them Nowadays?

Time is money and rightly so! It is considered to be a common business practice to use such a system as work timer that allows employees to know how much hours they spend at their work and how their team is effective.

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The Power of Technology Roadmaps for IT Companies

Product managers, stakeholders and company leaders always think about how business goals can be matched to specific technologies. A technology roadmap can be the real answer. Read More

30 Interview Questions for Product Managers to Reveal Their Potentials

An interview is a dialogue. It is a stress. It can be a real testing. This even can be a dominance of one of the participants, but it is always a dialogue. It’s important to be prepared for this dialogue no matter what side of the table you occupy. Read More

Is it possible to improve time management and become more creative at the same time?

Mikhail Liakh, Soft Skills Co-founder and coach, shares some insights about productivity and creativity skills. Read More

5 Lies Project Managers Tell Themselves that Make Teamwork Fail

Think about the role of a project manager: how much easier would it be if you had to manage projects without the ‘people part’? Sounds too good, right? But when it comes to project management, people are part of the package – and the problem is, the package doesn’t have an instruction. You have to figure out yourself how to unpack and make it work. Read More

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