7 Ways to Promote Transparency in the Workplace

Honest and open teamwork is an essential part of any team’s prosperity and the company’s success in general. In this post, we’d like to discuss transparency as the top factor contributing to employee happiness.
Transparency does matter
Transparency in the workplace significantly affects the collaborative environment and how team members relate to the organization. The lack of trust in the workplace directly correlates to the lack of transparency.
Even though transparency is often veiled in vague terms, its pros are vivid and tangible. So, please take 10-12 minutes to read attentively about simple ways to create a transparent culture at your work.
What Is Transparency in the Workplace?
Generally, transparency in the workplace is an approach of sharing information with the aim to benefit the company and its employees. In business, transparency can be also described as an honest and two-way openness between team members and management. Even if you work from home (that is a current trend), a transparent attitude forms an environment free from fear and encourages team members to be open about their achievements and mistakes.
Why is transparency important in the workplace?
In the ideal organization, transparency is part of workplace culture. It involves advanced communication, trust, and greater levels of employee engagement and advocacy. If there is no transparency in the workplace, individuals may feel underappreciated, and doubtful of the management practices. Managers may act with transparency by making sure their workers are kept in the loop about matters regarding the company. It takes a collective effort to boost and maintain a transparent culture.
Key Benefits of Transparency in the Workplace
Successful implementation of the transparency policy can bring many advantages to companies, even if it can be tricky to achieve. Here are the main benefits of workplace transparency:
1. Advanced workplace culture
Workplace culture includes the proper interaction of everyone in the company. Stimulating transparency in the workplace is crucial for helping your team members feel respected and valued. When you ensure the right level of transparency to them (for example, with the help of team collaboration tools), you will demonstrate to them that you are an honest leader who is willing to communicate openly and set an example for them.
2. Increased engagement
Workplace transparency accelerates employee recognition and satisfaction – the factors that compose employee engagement.
Employee engagement is a significant element of productive and efficient workplace cultures. When people feel that their contribution is essential, they are intrinsically motivated to work harder. They will also be more productive and loyal in their feedback and idea generation.
3. Better customer relations
Thanks to the improved transparency, your employees will care more about the company’s performance and will treat your customers with a higher level of friendliness. Remember that how your team members feel at work often translates to how your clients feel they’re being treated by the employees.
4. Improved communication
The culture of workplace transparency makes open communication more naturally. When you are open about everyday successes and everyday missteps, it encourages your team to bring issues forward instead of hiding them. Effective communication ensures that people share important details, work together, meet deadlines, and maintain the service that customers expect.
5. Increased revenue
Workplace transparency results in a domino effect that travels all the way to your bottom line. Engaged employees, effective communication, and great customer relations will help you to overcome many obstacles that your organization will face as it matures. With fewer burdens and challenges, you can build and improve your company and steadily boost its revenue.
If you want to delve deeper into the advantages of workplace transparency, feel free to read the following book by Warren Bennis, and a group of authors – Transparency: How Leaders Create a Culture of Candor
Now when we know the main advantages of transparency in the workplace, it is time to dive into specific ways to achieve it.
What Are the Ways to Promote Transparency in the Workplace?
Managers and leaders play an essential role in shaping company’s culture and the entire workplace environment. In many cases, they are able to take particular steps to encourage workplace transparency.
If you strive to promote transparency in the workplace, please, follow the next things.
1. Look at the big picture
First, you should care about the proper ways of hiring people. When you hire, you add people to your organization, so you should be sure that a particular employee fits into the big picture.
2. Make transparency part of the internal policy
The most essential step that any manager can take in order to be transparent is to include transparency in the company’s policy. This will definitely demonstrate that you are a real leader and will show that you really care about your team.
If you have not enough authority to implement transparency on a company-wide scale, take these steps to implement transparency within your department or team. Hold a special workshop where you can discuss together what transparency is, why it is important, and what should be the consequent steps to implement it into office life.
3. Resist challenges
Leaders may often face difficult situations and challenges that they need to solve. It’s rather important to correctly decide how to deal with these situations. Whether you need to avoid gossip or rumors about your company, transparency can be used to defuse these cases.
It will establish that you are not afraid to be open and truthful. Your team members will have a chance to come directly to you if they have any questions or worries.
4. Practice “ask me anything” sessions
Your colleagues should have an opportunity to ask any questions to you, so running an “ask me anything” session can be a proper way to allow them to do it. Perhaps, people will be able to ask questions they wouldn’t normally have the chance to ask.
This type of activity can be particularly important, as team members maybe have never had the opportunity to meet you.
5. Care about access to information
There is often a lot of information that is not available to employees. It may happen in any company. This information can not be public because it is sensitive or for some other reason.
In order to be transparent, consider if more information should be available to your team players, and provide access to it.
6. Learn to explain
Leaders make numerous decisions every single day. Making decisions, try to be mindful, and let people know why you have made certain decisions in certain ways. It will give all the team members an insight into your thinking and will help to create an open environment for discussion.
It will be more clear for the team why you make certain decisions and they will be able to question you if they do not agree with how something was approached.
7. Let people decide
Involving team members in decision-making processes is even better than explaining your decision. You can do it in different ways, for example, with the help of a quick poll on a subject. You will get input from others, in other cases, you might want to hold a brainstorming session or workshop to find collaborative solutions.
Thanks to this approach to decision making, you’ll become more transparent as a leader and will able to come to better decisions for your company.
Understanding that transparency does matter in the workplace will help you to foster a happier and loyal workforce with strong potential. If you feel that people are skeptical and don’t trust you, this as a wakeup call to begin implementing transparent practices right away.
What does transparent mean in your workplace? How do you demonstrate it at work? Please, comment below and let us know about it!