Scrum 101: 13 Rules You Should Never Break

Scrum is an iterative Agile software development method for managing projects and product or application development. Nowadays, Scrum has been used by everyone from marketing agencies to construction crews. Any time you’re starting a new project, be it software or an email campaign, Scrum can help you organise your team and get more work done in less time.
Here is a quick guide to the most essential rules for Scrum meetings and Scrum boards that you should never break.
Scrum Meetings
#1. All team members are required to attend Scrum meetings
If a team member can’t attend in person, s/he should report their work status by phone (or by any other means) or ask a colleague to make a report for them. Everyone should be responsible for what has been done.
#2. Always show up on time
The Scrum master will start the meeting at the appointed time, regardless whether you are present or not. So be prompt if you don’t want to miss important updates.
#3. When you’re having a meeting, only one person talks at a time
Only the one who reports on their status! Value your time and don’t waste it on pointless conversations.
#4. Regardless of the number of team members, weekly Scrum meetings should be no longer than 15-30 minutes.
#5. Every team member should respond to three questions
- What have you done since the last weekly scrum meeting?
- What will you do from now till the next weekly meeting?
- What obstacles impede you from performing your work?
#6. In case a report by any team member raises additional questions or causes discussions, all interested parties should get together after the weekly scrum meeting.
Scrum Board
#1. Sticky notes
Every department should have sticky notes of a certain colour and write down the owner and due date on them. It’s also a good practice to list the project name, client names, etc.
#2. Scoping section
This is the part of the board where you define all necessary resources (time, materials, etc.) that are necessary to complete the project.
#3. Backlog section
The backlog includes all your projects and tasks that are on your to-do-list in 2-4 weeks. These items should be updated every week so that the entire team knows what’s on the agenda.
#4. Parking section
This is where you keep projects (ideas for improving projects) that are happening in 3-6 months.
#5. Sprint section
This section answers the question “what am I doing this week?” If there is an item that should be delivered during this week, it belongs to the sprint.
#6. QA section
This is where your items/ projects/tasks are awaiting for approval or feedback from a client.
#7. Completed section
This is where your project/item gets as soon as it’s approved by the client. Congratulations!