Scrum vs. Sprint

Some inexperienced software developers ask questions about the difference between Scrum and Sprint. However, these questions are pointless. The main thing every developer should know about sprints is that they are the main activities of Scrum methodology. Hence, sprint is a part of Scrum and there is no reason to talk about the difference between them.
It is necessary to look at Scrum and sprint in greater detail to make sure that we understand both terms correctly.
The definition of sprint in Scrum is quite simple. Like any other Agile methodology, Scrum is based on iterative cycles. They are called sprints. The length of a sprint may vary from 1 to 4 weeks. It depends on the complexity of the project and the amount of code that is to be written during the sprint. The average sprint lasts about two weeks. Such length is convenient because it allows the developers to write enough code to show the intermediate product to the Product Owner.
Scrum and sprint planning
Every sprint begins with a sprint planning meeting. It is probably the most important activity of the iterative cycle. The team gathers to define the tasks for the next sprint. They have a product backlog, formulated and prioritized by the Product Owner to choose from. However, a Scrum team can reprioritize the product backlog if it is necessary to meet the terms of project realization. During the sprint planning meeting the team formulates the sprint backlog. It cannot be reprioritized or changed until the sprint is completed. In the sprint backlog user stories from the product backlog are turned into tasks. After the sprint planning meeting is finished, the sprint begins.
During the sprint the tasks are subdivided between the team members. Scrum teams are small, so each developer can get a few tasks. The daily Scrums are conducted every morning. These are the meetings were the team members report on their progress and tell about their problems. The team decides how to solve them and meet the terms of the sprint.
When the sprint comes to its end, the team conducts a sprint review. This is a meeting where the intermediate product created during the sprint is shown to the Product Owner. If the Product Owner is satisfied, the team can finish the sprint.
After the sprint is finished, the team conducts a sprint retrospective. At this meeting the developers share their opinions about the previous sprint. They discuss what went wrong and what went well.