Know the Difference: Why Agile Does Not Equal Scrum

Some people often ask questions like: “What is the difference between Agile and Scrum methodologies?” To answer them it is necessary to understand that this question is formulated in the wrong way. That is because of the lack of knowledge about Agile and Scrum methodologies.
The main thing to mention while discussing this issue is that Scrum is a part of Agile methodology. Hence, it would be incorrect to speak about the difference between them. There can be no difference between the general principles of the methodology and the means of its practical realization. Scrum is Agile. However, Agile is not always Scrum. There is a large number of other Agile methodologies. Some specialists often compare them to Scrum and make different conclusions. It does not mean that we can compare Scum and Agile. But we still can describe how Scrum improved the main principles of Agile and why did it become the most popular Agile methodology.
There is a large number of other Agile methodologies. Some specialists often compare them to Scrum and make different conclusions. It does not mean that we can compare Scum and Agile. But we still can describe how Scrum improved the main principles of Agile and why it became the most popular Agile methodology.
To understand the Scrum methodology we should know what Agile is.
First of all, it is necessary to mention that Agile was originated as an answer to the main issues that could not be solved within the framework of traditional software development methodology. Agile was aimed at improving the process of software development by making it more flexible. The traditional Waterfall approach to software development was too sequential. It did not meet all the modern requirements
The traditional Waterfall approach to software development was too sequential. It did not meet all the modern requirements of software creation. This approach did not allow returning to the finished stages of project performance in case of necessity. In addition, the range of customer involvement was very low in the traditional approach to software development.
The Agile methodology was invented to avoid these disadvantages and make the process of software development more flexible. Agile projects can change their goals while they are performed. The customer is always strongly involved into the process of project performance. It is a great advantage compared to Agile with the traditional approach to software development. It allows to minimize the risk of low acceptance of the final product by the customer.
In Agile projects, the client can always change his vision of the final product and it will be considered by the team. The principle of self-managing teams is one more competitive advantage that makes Agile an effective method of software development. Agile teams have no strict structure. They also don’t have leaders or project managers. The teams in Agile are self-managing. All their members share responsibility for the final product. That allows them to work more efficiently.
Scrum methodology includes all the basic Agile principles. However, it has significantly improved them.
Like other Agile methodologies, Scrum is based on a strong involvement of the customer into the process of software development. The inventors of Scrum have found a way to make the client’s participation in the project more effective. Therefore, they established a role of Product owner. This member of the Scrum team is responsible for all contacts with the customer. He is the one who helps to turn the client’s wishes into features of the final product.
Another role of a Scrum team that was invented to improve traditional Agile approach is the ScrumMaster. He is the person responsible for coordination of the Scrum team’s activities. To make the Scrum team work more efficiently he organizes a number of events compulsory for every Scrum project, like daily Scrums, sprint reviews, and retrospectives. These meetings help to follow the progress of a Scrum project. They also make possible to improve the team’s effectiveness while the project is performed.