5 Distinguished Advantages of Agile Methodology

Over a number of years, there is the question that is atop the waves – why Agile? And there are many of debates around it, but fortunately Agile has more devotees than adversaries. It definitely pays to try it!
This post is dedicated to several characters of Agile that make this methodology so tantalizing and attractive. We will try not to be distracted by plenty of ins and outs of Agile – instead of this, we will focus on its real values for the project development process and for business at all.
The Power of Agile Philosophy: What is the Essence?
As we noted earlier, quite different things have been said about Agile for a long time. At the same Agile is praised and wanted to be introduced by many work teams into the work and also it is considered to be too complicated and difficult. Nevertheless, it is truly possible to understand and feel the work of this system only in its direct practice.
Agile is a multi-component methodology that provides the most high-level runtime process in different spheres and industries. Agile various techniques help to plan the stages of work on the project easily, allocate resources in proper ways, and initialize any structural or functional changes in the future product at any stage of development.
In other words, Agile methodology means a set of flexible approaches to work that can become true assistants in the achievement of the best business results in case of their correct explanation and proper use.
Benefits of Agile Methodology: On the Roll!
Well, let’s continue our meeting with positive aspects of Agile methodology and have a look at some of the most obvious and profitable Agile successful practices.
What are the advantages?
1. Agile projects are more viable
The project work in accordance with any of Agile development methods determines its special systemacy: with its all ways of planning, administration, testing scenarios, and Sprint-formed development, Agile gives the following:
- Agile projects are easier to control during the development process, and it is more convenient to track any weaknesses, implement changes and improve the overall project structure.
- The projects based on Agile management usually have more balanced functionality, more elaborate architecture and design – in general, the quality of the finished product is much higher compared to projects with a classic type of development management
2. Agile allows employees to reach a decision faster
Project decisions, current or unscheduled, can usually be accompanied by long negotiations and massed meetings, but not for Agile.
Specialists have their own professional powers and authority and they are able to decide anything connected with the project, of course, after the conversation with the project manager or any other manager. Every person knows his work time costs and he will not go wasting it. And therefore, every step can be made faster and easier.
3. Agile is a good way to feel customers and clients better
As you know, one of the Agile postulates is that the client or customer wishes are the highest considerations at all. Agile project development teaches specialists to work more closely with customers in order to understand their vision of the project and its individual parts better.
The typical Agile working with clients includes regular contact with personal discussions or online meetings with video conferences for more lively communication. Believe it or not, but the golden rule ‘to put the customer first’ works well for every company, and Agile methodology is very good at it.
4. Agile teams are more motivated
There is no doubt that Agile methodology is born to unite employees with each other and work and stick together. Each team member has his own workload for a certain period, and it is his responsibility to do everything on time in order to achieve the best results.
Therefore, Agile teamwork is instrumental in-group cohesion and appropriate professional cooperation. It is proved that working in the Agile style may increase the work speed and improve the team environment.
5. Agile makes it possible to achieve real business success
The result of work on this system is a holistic and absolutely functioning product that meets all the main business goals. That is, all the work done allows the project to be:
- a more competitive product developed with the most necessary functionality
- easy-maintained and supported in future work
- easy-adaptable to the changes and trends of the modern market
We are actually big fans of Agile methodology and we truly believe in its development prospect. Of course, more sensible sources, updating of information and continuous development, and introduction of new useful tools into work will play a big role in Agile improvement.
We also think that every specialist is able to make his own contribution to the development of Agile, so we will be happy and appreciate your own thoughts and ideas about this system – share with us in the comments to the article!