Tools for Extreme Programming

Any software development methodology requires certain tools to manage its projects. XP is no exception. In this article we will tell you about Extreme Programming software tools and their main characteristics. Before doing that it is necessary to remember the main features of XP methodology to define the necessary characteristics for its project management tools.
Extreme Programming is an Agile methodology of software development. The degree of customer involvement in the software development process in XP is very high. Partially that is because of the strict time frames. Extreme Programming was invented to deliver large amounts of software within the shortest amounts of time. That is the reason for one more specific feature of XP – its short iterative cycles. All Agile methodologies subdivide their software development projects in iterations. However, the iterative cycles of Extreme Programming are the shortest of them. That is why the developers who work with this methodology have to invent new practices to improve their productivity. The use of Extreme Programming project management tools simplifies the work of XP teams significantly.
So what is an XP tool? Generally tools for Extreme Programming can be defined as applications designed to simplify the work of XP teams. Their main goal is to help the teams manage their projects. There are no specific tools for Extreme Programming, because XP projects can be managed with the tools that are suitable for all Agile methodologies. A good Extreme Programming planning and management tool must be able to reflect the changes in the project’s plan, manage the release plan, and visualize the workflow. It is also very good if this tool combines the features of a project management application and an issue tracker.
After this general description, let’s look at the particular features of a good project management tool for Extreme Programming teams.
- Simplicity
As we know, simplicity is one of the main principles of Extreme Programming methodology. It also applies to XP project management tools. A good project management application for Extreme Programming must have an intuitive interface. It should be as simple that any developer who works with this tool at first in his life should understand it. Extreme Programming teams don’t have time for learning complex interfaces.
- Wide functionality
As we have already mentioned, a good project management tool for Extreme Programming must be able to perform lots of functions including progress visualization and bug tracking. The main rule for XP tools is: “Having more functions is better”. Multifunctional project management and bug tracking systems are perfectly suitable for Extreme Programming teams.
- Price
Price is very important if the budget of your project is not large. Even if you have enough money to buy paid project management applications, there is no reason to pay for things you can get for free. That is why open source project management tools are the best solutions for Extreme Programming.