Scrum Implementation Essentials

Year after year the Scrum methodology becomes more popular among the software development companies. It means that the issue of Scrum implementation is now very important to most of them. This article was written to explain you what Scrum implementation actually is and what should your company do to conduct it successfully.
Implementation of Scrum methodology is the process that involves time and special knowledge. If you decide to start it at your company, you will enter a long way that may lead you to success. All you need to run Scrum at your enterprise is to learn some Scrum implementation tools and to have patience.
The following text will introduce you some specific features of the Scrum implementation methodology. After learning them you will be able to conduct the right Scrum implementation strategy at your company.
So what do you need to do to implement Scrum methodology at your company?
The answer is simple. To make your team work in a Scrum style you should follow a ten-step instruction below.
Step 1: Getting your backlog in order
The backlogs are most important things in a Scrum team’s work. The tasks for certain sprints are formulated by the items of the product backlog. The sprint backlogs, on their turn, can impact the product backlog as the work on the sprints will be finished. That is why the process of getting your backlog in order must be the first step in the Scrum methodology implementation.
Step 2: Define the criteria for your backlog estimation
You will not be able to plan your further work until you have strict criteria of your backlog estimation. The traditional way of evaluating the backlog involves time criteria. However, the estimation of your backlog may be more effective if you do it in points. In such case your team will account the time for each backlog item realization considering its size. It will help you to manage your time more efficiently.
Step 3: Requirements for sprint planning
The first thing you should do to plan your first sprint is to conduct a sprint planning meeting. All members of your team must participate in it. First of all this gathering must make an important decision: how long should your sprint last? After that you should create a backlog for your sprint that will include its targets. Then you should clarify the final requirements to your sprint.
Step 4: Planning the tasks of your sprint
To turn the requirements of your backlog into tasks you should analyze all its items at the sprint planning meeting. After these items are turned into certain tasks they can be placed on the Scrum task board to follow their further progress, and your team may start performing them.
Step 5: Creation of a common workspace
Collocation is extremely important for effectiveness of the Scrum team’s work. That is why you should create a collaborative workspace for your team before starting your sprints.
Step 6: Sprint
The main thing you should do during your first sprint is to perform all the items of your sprint backlog successfully and meet the sprint terms.
Step 7: Team reports
Team reports are very important for the Scrum process. Usually they are provided during the everyday Scrums. At these meetings each team member should report on his work during the previous day.
Step 8: Track your progress
To track the progress of your activities you should create a daily chart of burn downs and fill it at the end of each weekday.
Step 9: Finish the work in time
Sticking to the terms is one of the most important things in the Scrum team’s activity. If you have appointed the deadlines, you must meet them anyway.
Step 10: Review, Reflect, Repeat
At the end of every stream you must review your work and reflect the remarks of your team and the customer. After that you may start your work on a new sprint.