7 Practical Tips for Putting a Successful Team Together

Creating a high-performing team is incredibly important in today’s business. There are certain qualities that are necessary to have employees dedicated to working together and completing tasks to move the company forward. However, what really makes for a successful team is people who communicate effectively, recognize each other’s opinions and appreciate the contribution of every team member.
Here are practical recommendations that will help create a successful team where people trust, respect each other and work together towards common goals.
#1. State company goals first
Analyze your current business situation and start building a team according to what you want to achieve.
#2. Keep your team at a manageable level
Large groups are usually difficult to manage. The statistics show the size of a successful team should be limited to 10-12 individuals for maximum effect.
#3. Involve knowledgeable individuals
Involving the most knowledgeable individuals doesn’t mean you (as a manager) walk away. Involving people and then abandoning them makes them feel as if they’ve been screwed over. Stay in touch and develop quick ways to check in, gather information, give input and express your appreciation for the work being done.
#4. Don’t ignore newcomers
Though newcomers are often less knowledgeable folks, their energy, creativity and enthusiasm hold a great potential for the future of the organization.
#5. Provide continuous communication
Ensure that every employee is aware of what needs to be done, what is being done, what has been done, and why.
#6. Agree on motivational tools
Determine how employees will be motivated. Recognition, extra holiday time, cash bonuses, or award ceremonies are all valid motivators. In one business, employees want to be rewarded with a cake; other businesses display team achievements on giant scoreboards and publicly honor the best workers.
#7. Update goals once they are achieved
Emphasize continuous improvement and track all progress no matter how small. Fifteen or twenty ideas that can each save 1% of costs will pay off with great benefits in the short and long run.