How to Combine Agile and Scrum

Modern software development industry has lots of project management methodologies. The issue of their proper use is probably one of the most topical today. Some specialists prefer to combine various methodologies rather than using their original variations. That can be explained by the fact that they want to use the advantages of several project management methods to create high quality products. Some of such developers wonder: “How to combine Agile and Scrum?” The answer to this question is not as simple as it might seem. Mainly that is because of the fact that it is formulated improperly. In this article we will introduce you the full definitions of Agile and Scrum to answer the above mentioned question properly.
Let’s begin with the definition of Agile.
Agile originated in the early 2000s as a new approach to software development. A group of experienced programmers invented it to solve the most topical issues of the industry. Before Agile was invented, all software development projects were managed in the traditional Waterfall methodology. It was a typical hardware development method applied to software engineering. The structure of Waterfall projects is sequential, its teams are large, and the degree of customer involvement into its projects is very low. These facts were the reasons for Agile invention. Its developers have established 12 Agile principles.
There is no need to name all of them here. It is enough to cover the three main Agile principles: strong communication, strong customer involvement, and iterative structure of projects. Strong communication in Agile is required because the teams are small. Usually they include less than 15 people. That is why they don’t have all traditional software development roles like testers, analysts, and project managers. All their members are interchangeable. Such software development teams are usually self-managing. High degree of client involvement allows them to achieve high customer and user acceptance of their products, and iterative structure of projects helps the developers improve their quality.
Today Agile approach includes several software development methodologies. All of them fully share its principles. Scrum is one of these methods. It originated at the beginning of the 2000s and now is considered the most popular Agile methodology. Like the teams of other Agile methods, Scrum teams are small. They don’t include traditional roles. A typical Scrum team has only three roles: the Product Owner, the ScrumMaster, and the team. A Product Owner is the representative of the customer in the team. He participates in all team meetings. He is also responsible for product backlog formulation and prioritization. A ScrumMaster is a coach that helps Scrum teams implement the best Scrum practices. This person is not a typical project manager, because he is not a formal leader.
As you can see, there is no need to combine Agile and Scrum, because Scrum is one of the Agile methods. It shares all principles of this popular approach to software development.