Create more effective product roadmaps for your Agile team | Hygger

Create and share beautiful product roadmaps like a pro

Use Hygger to plan your goals, strategy, releases, and features with the help of smart roadmaps.

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Define your strategy, plan releases and deliver projects on time

Choose handy templates to save your time

  • Product roadmap
  • Product development roadmap
  • Portfolio roadmap
  • Marketing plan roadmap
  • Product launch roadmap

Prioritize to make better decisions

Rate features or tasks using ICE, RICE or Weighted Scoring. Then pick out the stronger ones from the top of the prioritized backlog.

Develop using Scrum or Kanban

Use Kanban and Scrum boards to develop planned features 3x faster.

Link development tasks to roadmap

Import tasks from Development boards on you Roadmap to see the actual progress.

Share your roadmap

Add customers or stakeholders to your roadmap and share global plans or the closest releases.

Everything you need to keep a living, up-to-date product roadmap

Link tasks from other boards

Link tasks from other boards in Hygger to track their progress.

Group Tasks

Group tasks within the roadmap to see future work in big quadrants.

Share Roadmap

Invite anyone you want to the roadmap board and share your plans.

Track Tasks Statuses

See the status of the task regardless of whether it is a local task or the task from another board.

Customize Colors

Change tasks colors on the chart to make tasks differ.

Scale Chart

Get the high-level picture of the project or drill down to the specific tasks.

What our customers are saying

Integrate with Hygger

Keep using tools you love

Keep the product vision and focus on its alignment with your business goals.

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