Features - Hygger.io

Easy project management tool that your team will love

Succeed with your next project by setting up priorities and streamlining your workflow

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Manage your projects like a boss


Create comprehensive and accurate timelines to set the right project start.

Tasks Lists

Use traditional tasks lists to organize your work. Design their view for your needs by using custom fields.

Kanban boards

Visualize your custom workflows by using Kanban boards. Make your team’s collaboration transparent and aligned.

Sprint boards

Move your tasks into sprint boards for continuous project’s improvement.

Keep your team focused


Use swimlanes to highlight the most important tasks on the board.

WIP limits

Set WIP limits to reduce multitasking and task switching, and provide predictable project delivery.

Value/Effort Matrix

Choose the winning tasks on Value/Effort priority chart. Define big bets, filter out timesinks and maybes.

Weighted Scoring

Define your current strategic criteria, score tasks and pick out the right ones from the top of the list.

RICE/ICE Prioritization

Score your features using the popular prioritization techniques that consider four core metrics: Reach, Impact, Cost and Ease.

Everything you need to deliver projects on time, budget, and scope


Get a complete overview of project releases, boards, and tasks.

Live Activity Stream

Display activities across all the boards: completed and current tasks, overdue tasks and employees’ work logs.


Get only the team updates you need, instead of a flood of unwanted messages.

Smart Links

Get a quick overview of a task with a unique URL that shows task status.

Two-Level Comments

Keep your conversation organized by using threads in commenting.


Reply to everyone involved in a discussion.

Release Management

Plan and control project tasks and sprints through the entire release cycle.

Versions Management

Combine together a set of tasks that belong to a certain release.


Combine multiple boards in a collection by certain criteria.

Time Tracking with Reports

Track your team performance and generate detailed reports.


Build new solutions on the Hygger platform with our APIs.

IOS & Android

Stay up-to-date on all your projects with iPhone and Android apps.

What our customers are saying

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